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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2024

What is EBITDA? Explaining its Benefits, Calculation Formula, and Relation to M&A

  What is EBITDA? Explaining its Benefits, Calculation Formula, and Relation to M&A Understand EBITDA , its benefits, and calculation formula and discover how this key metric can enhance business valuation and decision-making. How many of you have come across the term "EBITDA"? Even for owners managing their companies for many years, the chances of encountering this term in their daily business activities are likely minimal. Even tax professionals such as tax accountants and certified public accountants who primarily focus on audit work rarely use this term in their routine tasks. Although "EBITDA" may not be familiar to many, it is a term that frequently appears in M&A (mergers and acquisitions) practice. Especially for buyers may make investment decisions from the perspective of "How much is the target company's 'EBITDA'?" or "if the price is within X times of 'EBITDA', let's invest." Therefore, to understand th...

What is a share offering?

What is a share offering? Share offering refers to when a joint-stock company issues new shares offered for sale to approach the financial market. The purpose of this activity is to increase the company’s charter capital, which enables it to invest in expansion and growth during operation or deal with financial debt. Unlike “debt offering” which is represented by bonds or convertible notes from companies with a compromise to pay back with an amount of interest to investors, share offering involves the sale of common stock and gives investors a portion of ownership in the company. See more at:  https://inmergers.com/en/share-offering-definition-and-common-types #inmergers #mmatch #m_a #MergersandAcquisitions #investermentinvietnam #investintovietnam #InvestinginVietnam #Share_offering
  What is brokerage? - M&A brokerage M&A brokerage refers to professionals or companies facilitating mergers and acquisitions, ensuring smooth transactions. One notable trend in recent years is the emergence of M&A brokerage firms catering to corporations, individuals, and businesses of various sizes. M&A brokerage firms act as intermediaries and advisors in negotiations between the selling (transferor) and buying (transferee) companies, operating from a neutral standpoint. Their distinguishing feature lies in their impartial position, supporting negotiations objectively and neutrally rather than representing either party exclusively. https://inmergers.com/en/understanding-ma-brokerage-differences-from-financial-advisors-benefits-and-selection-criteria #inmergers #mmatch #m_a #MergersandAccquisitions #M_ABrokerage
What is a merger? Differences from acquisitions, types, benefits, and corporate examples explained   M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) refers to the merger and acquisition of companies, with " Mergers " specifically indicating mergers as introduced here. This article provides an overview of mergers, differences from acquisitions, advantages and disadvantages, and necessary procedures. https://inmergers.com/en/what-is-a-merger-differences-from-acquisitions-types-benefits-and-corporate-examples-explained #inmergers #mmatch #m_a #MergersandAccquisitions #Merger